Shipping Method
We ship worldwide. Orders are usually shipped from Japan via postal service, Japan Post and then handled by your local post office USPS once they arrive United States. We offer the following shipping methods and they all provide a tracking number. Tracking number will be emailed to you once the package is shipped out.
- Economy International Airmail
- The airmail package takes 2 to 3 weeks (transit time) to arrive United States.
- Online tracking information is available if your local post office concerned provides it. Non-delivery enquiry after the transit time period is available.
- Shipping cost starts at $10.00
- Free shipping offer is applicable.
- Extra 1-2 weeks handling time if applicable.
- Standard International Airmail
- The airmail package takes 1 to 2 weeks (transit time) to arrive United States.
- Online tracking information is available if your local post office concerned provides it. Non-delivery enquiry after the transit time period is available.
- Package will be treated as priority mail, speeding up the transit time.
- Shipping cost starts at $11.00
- Express Mail Service
- The ems package takes around 1 week (transit time) to arrive United States.
- Online tracking information is available.
- Package will be treated as the highest priority mail, speeding up both the handling time and transit time.
- Shipping cost starts at $40.00
- In certain cases, we may opt to utilize alternative couriers such as DHL, FedEx, or UPS.
Free shipping over $55.00
For Economy International Airmail, free shipping will be automatically applied on orders of $55.00 or more at the checkout.
For other shipping methods, shipping discount will be automatically applied on orders of $55.00 or more at the checkout.
Delivery Time
The total delivery time can be estimated by following formula:
Total Delivery Time = Handling Time + Transit Time
Handling Time | Transit Time | |
Order Date | Ship Out Date | Arrival Date |
Please ensure all information is correct when providing your shipping information during checkout. We may be required to contact you if there is any incorrect and/or missing information, which may cause delays in shipping your order.
Handling Time
The item availability and handling time are the measure of number of days taken for an item to be prepared and be expected to leave our warehouse (ready to ship out) after you place an order.
Each product has its item availability with the handling time shown on the page. Please refer to the description table below.
Order handling time is using the greatest number of "handling" days range among the items in your order. All items will be shipped together in one shipment. If you would like short handling time items to ship earlier, please make a separate order.
Item Availability | Description | Handling Time |
In Stock | Items are in stock and will be shipped out within 1 to 3 business days after you place an order. | 1-3d 1 to 3 business days |
Available for Order | Items are not in stock and will be restocked from our suppliers after you place an order. It should arrive in our warehouse and be shipped out within specific days after you place an order. More precise time is shown on the product page, cart and checkout page. |
3-7d 3 to 7 days 1-2w 1 to 2 weeks 3-6w 3 to 6 weeks 1-2m 1 to 2 months |
Out of Stock | Items are not in stock and expected restock time cannot be provided currently. We will try our best to restock the item and notify you the result within 2 weeks. If the item is discontinued finally, we will process the refund or you could pick a replacement. | oos No estimation |
Discontinued | Items are not in stock and are no longer available from our suppliers. | N/A |
Transit Time
The transit time is the number of days for package to travel from Japan to your delivery address.
It depends on the shipping method you choose and is subject to the situation of flight or sailing cargo availability and the processing time from your local post office.
Under certain circumstances, there are unexpected events like customs clearance, security check, weather conditions, reduction of cargo capacity, city lockdown measures imposed by local government and force majeure events will cause the delay and increase the transit time. The time required for those events cannot be estimated.
United States | Economy Airmail | Standard Airmail | EMS |
Expected Transit Time * excluded the time for unexpected events |
2 - 5 weeks | 1 - 2 weeks | around 1 week |
To change your destination, please click here.
Shipping Confirmation
Once your order has been shipped out, a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number will be sent. You could also check the status in order page here.
Taxes and Import Duties
We do not charge any taxes on the products or services we offer. However, international shipments may be subject to customs duties, import taxes, value-added tax (VAT), tariffs, and/or additional fees imposed by the destination country. These charges, if applicable, are determined by the customs authority of the destination country and are payable upon the arrival of the goods. Please note that we have no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. We recommend contacting your local customs authority or postal service for detailed information.
Potential Lost Shipment
If the package do not arrive before the expected delivery date, please contact us here and we will start an investigation with the postal service.
If we did not hear from you 4 months after the ship out date, we will assume you already received the package.
Returned Shipment
In the package is returned to us and the courier charges us a return fee, we will unfortunately need to pass this fee back to you.
Damaged Goods
Please contact us here providing your order number and detailed information including pictures within 3 business days of receiving the package. It is important that you keep all items and all packaging during this process.
Defective Goods
Please contact us here with your order number and detailed information including pictures within 3 business days once you received the package. We will work diligently with you to find a suitable resolution.